Golf has had tradition in Slovenia for quite some time. The first golf course was built in 1937 at request of the Yugoslav king who had his residence in this area. The members of the royal family and foreign diplomats used to be the first guests.
In the 90's of the previous century golf experienced its boom in Slovenia when in Lipica, a karst oasis the second golf course was built. Since then there has been an expansion of smaller and larger golf courses. Most known are those at Bled, Mokrice, Arboretum and Slovenjske Konjice.

Most of the Slovene territory (almost 60%) is covered by woods and rivers. This is a real paradise for hunters and fishermen, who are members of numerous clubs and families all over Slovenia.
The beauties such as the wild mountainous Soča, the lazy rivers Krka and Kolpa or the intermittent lake at Cerknica are only a few examples that Slovenia offers to fishing fans. The best of them can get familiar with trouts, pikes, bleaks, sheatfish, and a lot of other representatives of freshwater fish.